Rent our prospect lists

Acquire new customers

Access Canada's most advanced address database and reach residential and business addresses by location, demographics, business type and much more. Perfect for your acquisition strategy.

My ‘aha’ moment came when I saw how demographic data and geolocation identified our best potential customers right down to the route level.

– Lee Ratcliffe
Owner/Operator, Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

Privacy and confidentiality

We're committed to complying with our obligations under the federal Privacy Act. Our name and address database starts with our postal code based address information and is expanded with information from publicly available telephone directories and consumer-based surveys. We also use statistical postal code level data provided by government departments and/or private-sector data aggregators. These sources do not give businesses any access to any personally identifiable information.

Visit our privacy centre to learn about our privacy policies.

Read our privacy policy

Success stories

Discover how data targeting has helped give prominent brands a massive boost in customer acquisition.

A Costco direct mail brochure on a table top.


Costco has used Canada Post’s data solutions to achieve incredible direct mail campaign results, including a 94% lift in new memberships from targeted areas and an attributed $84M in sales in 2022.

Read their story
Dr. Green lawn services Neighbourhood Mail flyer with limited time sales offer.

Dr. Green

Using strategic data targeting tools, the lawn services company sought out lookalikes to their best customers, filtering for income, homeowners over renters and detached or semi-detached homes.

Read their story

Better lists mean better results

Reach any address in the country with Canada’s most complete, current and accurate mailing lists.

Aerial view of a small seaside neighbourhood in the Maritimes.

Residential addresses

Access approximately 15 million Canadian mailing addresses. Select targeting attributes such as geography, residence type, age, habits, income, lifestyle, education and more.

Explore consumer audience targeting

Full list of targeting attributes

A row of older brick buildings that have been converted into shops and restaurants.

Business addresses

Access all Canadian business mailing addresses. Choose your target audience from segments such as number of employees, revenue, industry and more.

Explore business audience targeting

Full list of targeting attributes

How to get started

Contact us

Get in touch with us online or call 1-877-281-4137 to work with one of our experts.

Contact a sales representative

Additional data solutions

A group of people smile while sitting a large office meeting table.

License our data

Improve your mailing lists and run in-depth post-campaign analyses to better understand your audience and optimize targeting.

Build your lists

A man is presenting charts and graphs to two people sitting at a desk and taking notes.

Data visualization

See how customer data overlaps with store locations, prior campaign results and audience characteristics to optimize future campaigns.

Visualize your data

A man and woman chat in an office as they look at a tablet device.

Clean your customer list

Ensure you have accurate addresses to increase response rates, reach more customers and reduce undeliverable mail costs.

Clean your data

Have more questions?

Not sure which data solution will drive the most success for your campaign? Send us a note and we can help you find the most effective approach.

Let’s chat