Corporate governance

A Canadian flag flies in front of the Canada Post headquarters. The building features granite columns and expansive glass windows.A Canadian flag flies in front of the Canada Post headquarters. The building features granite columns and expansive glass windows.A Canadian flag flies in front of the Canada Post headquarters. The building features granite columns and expansive glass windows.

The Board and the processes that guide our corporation

Learn about the Board of Directors, our principles, corporate policies, and corporate governance practices.

What the Board does

We provide oversight and guidance on behalf of the Government of Canada, our sole shareholder, on the strategies, business plans and related affairs of Canada Post.

In this role, we hold management accountable for its business performance and strategic objectives. To fulfill these responsibilities we exercise due diligence over:

  • Strategic initiatives and corporate plans
  • Service and operational performance
  • Internal control and financial reporting
  • Major contracts and investments
  • Recruitment of senior officers
  • Health and safety, labour and compensation management
  • Effective reporting to the shareholder

Who makes up the Board of Directors

The Board is composed of 11 members: the Chairperson, the President and Chief Executive Officer and 9 Directors.

Chairperson of the Board

Appointed by the Governor in Council for a term the Governor in Council considers appropriate.

President and Chief Executive Officer

Appointed by the Governor in Council for a term the Governor in Council considers appropriate.


Appointed by the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, for a term of up to 4 years. A director can be re-appointed to the Board on the expiration of his/her term.

Board accountability

Who oversees the Board

The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, is the minister responsible for Canada Post.

Our annual public meetings

2024 Canada Post Annual Public Meeting

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Canada Post held its 19th Annual Public Meeting. This forum provided an overview of the Corporation’s performance in 2023 and the opportunity to ask questions to senior leaders of the company.

A recording of the full broadcast of the Annual Public Meeting has been posted for on-demand replay.

Access Annual Public Meeting recording

How the Board is performing

Detailed corporate governance information is provided each year in our annual report. Learn about the role and composition of the Board of Directors of Canada Post, its independence, its Committees, its effectiveness on matters such as fraud and error and on the governance model for Canada Post’s subsidiaries.

Read the annual report

Get more information on the Board

Contact us with your corporate governance questions

Corporate Secretariat
Canada Post
2701 Riverside Drive N1120
Ottawa ON K1A 0B1