Why sign up
Offer Canadian and international delivery speed options, rate estimates in seconds, convenient returns, tracking and more.
It’s easy
Get API keys for your website or search our forum for FAQs. Post questions and get answers from our technical staff.
We speak your language
Access our web services in the programming language of your choice.
We’re everywhere you are
Get access to the largest distribution network in Canada. We deliver to every address in the country and have more than 6,000 post offices.
Here's how it works
- Sign up, it’s free.
- Get your API keys (displayed on the main Developer Program page). We’ll provide code samples in any programming language: Java, PHP and C# and servers using XML over REST or SOAP 1.1 protocol.
- Integrate our services immediately.
- Test your application and go live.
The new issue of Ecommerce Insider is here
Inspiring, insightful and free. The new issue features ecommerce insights, profiles of retail innovators and more.