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Insights to lead the pack

Canadian consumers are getting serious about sustainability. Canada Post’s latest research report examines the implications of this shift for Canadian businesses.

Sustainability matters

Our survey examined what Canadians want from businesses on the sustainability front. Use our report to navigate the new frontier of sustainable commerce.

Canadians are getting serious about sustainability

Canadians are:

  • Trying to live more sustainably


Recycle or compost at home or work


Purchase durable products


Try to reduce their energy use


Limit use of single use plastics

“I need to have more education on what product materials are good/bad for the environment. I see and hear lots of news about many socially responsible products and companies, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

- Survey respondent

  • Holding businesses to account for sustainability


want businesses to improve their environmental and social performance.


want to know about businesses’ sustainable business practices.


pay attention when businesses share their social and/or environmental practices.

“[Businesses] should be good corporate and community citizens supporting the communities in which they operate. They also need to provide sustainable wages and look after their employees in a responsible manner.”

- Survey respondent

  • Skeptical of businesses’ sustainability claims


rarely or never believe businesses when they say they’re socially or environmentally friendly.


believe that businesses donate to charities and/or help with community projects to make themselves look good.

“What I don’t agree with is the photo ops that are used to show how responsible they are. It should be a mindset across the board in the company, not just gimmicky events.”

- Survey respondent

  • Looking for sustainable practices, including:


The use of sustainable packaging


Waste reduction


Respect of human rights


Conservation of water and other natural resources

“Companies should be socially responsible by default. To me, this social responsibility campaign is marketing to justify product cost increases.”

- Survey respondent

Sustainability priorities vary by generation

Most valued sustainability practices by generation:

Gen Z

Use of sustainable packaging
Waste reduction
Reducing carbon footprint


Use of sustainable packaging
Waste reduction
The practice and respect of human rights

Gen X

Use of sustainable packaging
Waste reduction
Conserving water and other natural resources


Use of sustainable packaging
Waste reduction
Conserving water and other natural resources

Take action with our insights

Audit your plan

Review your sustainability plan. Are you making progress in the areas Canadians value most?

Share your story

Share your sustainability story at every touchpoint where customers encounter your brand.

Tailor your message

Determine which generation(s) your target customers belong to and tailor your message to their values.

Back it up

Support your message with clear evidence to enhance its authenticity.

Get serious about sustainability

Start with our report

Navigate the new frontier of sustainable commerce with our research-backed insights.

Inside we explore:

  • How Canadians are living more sustainable lifestyles
  • What Canadians expect from businesses on the sustainability front
  • How Canadians feel about businesses’ sustainability efforts
  • The sustainability practices Canadians value most

Ready to embrace sustainability?

Download the report

Explore helpful resources


Thrive in the new normal with our 2022 online shopper report.

Get the report
Get the report, “Thriving in the new normal” from Canada Post.

Discover how Reitmans’ online marketplace gives shoppers a view into new possibilities.

Read article
Read article, “Reitmans online marketplace gives shoppers a view into new possibilities” from Canada Post.

Learn how to crack the code on ecommerce returns.

Read our blog
Read our blog post, “Cracking the code on ecommerce returns.”

Put our ecommerce insights to work for your business. Talk to a Canada Post representative today to leverage our ecommerce expertise.

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