Receiving a refund payment

If you are expecting a refund payment from Canada Post, keep in mind that refunds are typically issued to the original method of payment used for the service:

  • Cash payment: Refund will be issued by cheque.
  • Credit card payment: Refund will be credited back to the credit card.
  • Commercial account or supplier account payment: Refund will be returned to the account.

If your expected payment was issued by cheque, it can take up to 30 business days to arrive by mail after approval. Payments issued to credit cards can take up to 5 business days to be applied after approval.

If you have a small business account

If you have a Solutions for Small BusinessTM account, any refund payments by cheque will be sent to the address information under your business settings. Please ensure your business address information is up to date.

If you need more help, contact our Solutions for Small Business help center: